How to unlock Tazavesh, the Veiled Market in patch 9.1

Tazavesh, the Veiled Market is World of Warcraft‘s latest megadungeon, is arriving in Mythic-only glory with Shadowlands patch 9.1. Like previous megadungeons, Tazavesh provides an 8-boss experience — including what may be the coolest dungeon boss of all time — while also giving players the opportunity for a heist experience and of course desirable rewards.
Like the most recent megadungeon, Operation: Mechagon, you will need to complete a quest chain to unlock access to Tazavesh. Unlike Mechagon, however, there isn’t a Nazjatar-style quest chain to complete first — if you want, you can start on Tazavesh before you worry about unlocking Korthia, continuing the Covenant Campaign, or improving your quality of life in the Maw.
Going for Brokers
To start unlocking Tazavesh head to Oribos and speak with Host Ta’rela, the zone’s innkeeper, who will give you the first quest — the Al’ley Cat of Oribos — to meet with Al’dalil nearby. Al’dalil is concerned that So’leah, the leader of Cartel So, has acquired an artifact of the “Progenitors” (another term for the First Ones?) that she isn’t hesitant to unleash. Speaking with the other Broker Cartels reveal little, as the four major ones consider both Al and So beneath them. An intercepted cargo manifest points the player and Al’dalil to Tavazesh, but sadly the latter is unaware of where that city currently is.
Trips to the Broker enclaves in Revendreth and Bastion provide a method for you to get there, but the Brokers do nothing for free so you’ll have to complete a task to earn it — fortunately it’s a task that any level 60 should be able to handle. Once done it’s back to Oribos and a ride through the In-Between.
After arriving in Tavazesh, it’s two quick interactions to unlock the dungeon and that’s it — you’re ready to go explore Tazavesh. The area outside the dungeon currently has nothing except a Meeting Stone and a flightmaster for getting back to Oribos.
All told the process can be completed in under 30 minutes, and the lack of prerequisites means that if your Mythic team is chomping at the bit to get into Tavezesh, you’ll be able to do so without a lot of hassle.
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