What are you most looking forward to in Dragonflight patch 10.0.7?

Dragonflight patch 10.0.7 is officially arriving on March 21 so the hype is starting to build. The second of six patches arriving in 2023, patch 10.0.7 is bringing us some nice quality-of-life updates as well as actual questing content in the Forbidden Reach — previously only available to Dracthyr. The most exciting part of patch 10.0.7 to me is actually something I had hoped would happen five years ago.
That’s right, the Legion artifact Balance of Power quest chain is going accountwide, meaning you no longer have to complete it on every class to unlock the artifact appearances. Essentially the row will act like the PVP row does now: every appearance will unlock as the underlying achievement is completed on any toon. And while this comes about two years after I finished completing Balance of Power on all 12 classes, it has the tangible benefit to me of unlocking the Mythic +15 appearance on every class. Back in Legion I had only been able to complete that on my Hunter (I had rushed to do it because for awhile there the appearance was expected to be unavailable after Legion ended), and while I’ve considered trying to run — or more likely, get carried — Mythic +15 on other classes, I hadn’t gotten to it yet. And now I don’t have to!
The other new thing we’re getting in patch 10.0.7 that I’m excited about is Dragonriding brakes. While not providing the hover capability of standard flying mounts, the braking ability will make it a lot easier to land on narrow spots. While this would’ve been better if we had it earlier in the expansion — so many times I barely missed a landing via circling and had to start again! — it’s definitely better late than never. It’ll also make it easier to restock fishing holes and appreciative Tuskarr are a bonus.
What are you most excited for in 10.0.7? Are you planning to get the Human and/or Orc Heritage Armor? Will you roll a Worgen, Goblin, or Lightforged Draenei monk? Or are you just happy to have a new zone to explore?
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