What do you hope to see in the Diablo 4 beta this weekend?

The Early Access beta for Diablo 4 starts today and I am excited to give it a try. While not everything will be available to test yet — the level cap is 25 and the Necromancer and Druid won’t be playable until next weekend — I’m not looking to review it or give it a deep-dive yet, just to play it enough to decide if I want to purchase it for June.
I’m a big fan of Diablo 3 but I haven’t had a chance to revisit it in sometime — despite all the cool Season 28 features it remains uninstalled since the last time I had to clear off space on my hard drive. For Diablo 4 to grab me it has to feel like an evolution of the D3 experience; I need to be given a reason to invest money in a new game instead of playing the previous one, or waiting until it’s available for much cheaper.
The key will likely be how I feel about the Rogue class, and I’ll be spending most of my time playing around and leveling one. While the level 25 limitation means I won’t be able to fully explore its playstyle, I’m hoping to at least get a sense of how much I’ll enjoy playing one. I’ll probably spend some time with the Barbarian and maybe (time permitting) the Sorcerer, but it’s the Rogue that I most want to play in Diablo 4 so if it’s lacking that might hurt my desire to get the game when it comes out.
Oh, and I also want the wolf pack cosmetic regardless so at the bare minimum I’m leveling a character to 20 to earn it.
What will you be looking for in the Diablo 4 beta? Do you plan to play all three available classes, or have you selected one to focus on? Do you plan to try out any of the new features like Strongholds, world bosses or couch co-op, or do you plan to stick to story and side quests? And if you’re not able to play, do you plan to check out streams of the game instead?
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