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Cory Taylor

Cory Taylor @CoryjTaylor — Cory comes from the Land of Ice and Snow, an avid Blizzard fan he's been hooked since Warcraft 2. He spends his time in Warcraft as a Guardian Druid, and out of Warcraft wishing he could spend 6 months out of the year hibernating.

The Cue: Its someones birthday!

Most Queues are not Queues about dogs when you think about it.

It is someone important’s birthday today, I won’t tell you whose it is up here though. Try and guess before you reach the bottom of the post. Five BlizzardWatchBucks™ to you if you guess correctly!

While you all get your guesses in mind, it’s time for — The Queue.

The Queue: Happy long weekend!

It’s a long weekend! Or it was the long weekend, depending on when you’re reading this. Time’s tricky like that.

I had a pretty good weekend. Took care of some errands that needed to be taken care of, killed some bosses, ate a giant cinnamon bun that I found frozen in the freezer. Great job past Cory for leaving that there! Monday I’m going to be helping my Mom cut up a bunch of the apples from her yard to make pies, so that’s gonna be delicious too!

While I try and cram a little more relaxation into my weekend, it’s time for — The Queue.

The Queue: Better than a poke in the eye

The Mythic Eye of the Jailer is no more! For this week anyway. My guild has managed to see the path forward and didn’t blink in the face of adversity to come out victorious! I know how much you all love living vitreously through my raid updates. Even if sometimes they’re a bit cornea. I can only hope that I can lead by example and be a teacher for you, my beloved pupils. Just don’t lash out at me for these puns.

How does one celebrate after killing a giant eyeball? Well, it turns out that we celebrate by killing some Val’kyr too. The Mythic Nine wound up not being as difficult as the Eye, but I think that’s mainly because we were just trying to brute force a mechanic rather than deal with it the right way. With them down we’re now 3/10 Mythic, but we still haven’t done Heroic Sylvanas. In theory, the first three Mythic bosses were easier than her, I guess eye’ll see next week!

While I dodge all the rotten fruit that is undoubtedly being thrown at me, it’s time for — The Queue.

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