Christian Thoma
What’s your favorite gaming-related April Fool’s joke?
I'm really not a fan of April Fool's Day, or frankly pranks of any sort -- all too often it's at someone's expense, or to make people feel gullible, or sometimes to actually hurt someone.
A myriad of ways your alts can gear and skip content you’ve already done in Shadowlands
Now that we're in the final major patch of Shadowlands, there's a lot of content a fresh level 60 character would need to consume in order to catch up.
Starting today the Mage Tower challenge will be permanently accessible
The Mage Tower was one of the more popular features from the Legion expansion, but it was still a surprise when the World of Warcraft development team announced its return to coincide with Legion Timewalking.
A guide to all the sourcebooks for Critical Role’s world of Exandria
Critical Role, the popular Dungeons & Dragons campaign stream starring "a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors," celebrated its seventh anniversary last week, just one month after the successful conclusion of the first season of The Legend of Vox Machina, an animated retelling of part of the first campaign.
How and where to craft mounts in Zereth Mortis
Shadowlands patch 9.2 brought World of Warcraft players to the new zone of Zereth Mortis, a land of enlightened brokers, automata, and Jiro struggling to fend off the Jailer’s Mawsworn forces, while the heroes raid the Sepulcher of the First Ones to stop Zovaal.
Should you answer the Call of the Netherdeep, the next D&D Adventure set in the world of Critical Role?
Call of the Netherdeep is the latest adventure published by Wizards of the Coast for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, and it's the first that takes place in the Critical Role setting of Exandria.
How excited are you for flying in Zereth Mortis?
With the arrival of the newest Shadowlands campaign chapter after weekly reset, players will be able to unlock flying for all their characters in Zereth Mortis.
How and where to craft pets in Zereth Mortis
Shadowlands patch 9.2 brought World of Warcraft players to the zone of Zereth Mortis, a land of automata and brokers struggling to hold off the Jailer's Mawsworn forces, while the heroes raid the Sepulcher of the First Ones with the goal of saving existence from Zovaal's plans.
Closed alpha testing begins for Overwatch 2 PVP mode, which will now release before PVE mode
The Overwatch team and game director Aaron Keller announced today that Overwatch 2 is moving into the testing phase, with the PVP modes being tested first and the PVE mode will come later.
What can World of Warcraft do to solve the narrative disconnect between zones and raids?
Shadowlands patch 9.2 has been out for a few weeks now, and the Jailer faces his final defeat, yet the campaign in Zereth Mortis continues for the next few weeks, even though the reason we went there is ostensibly taken care of.