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Liz Patt

Liz Patt @lizexmachina — Liz is a collection of cat gifs and coffee masquerading as a person. She tried to escape World of Warcraft multiple times, but it kept calling her back with its siren song. Liz now plays every Blizzard title she can get her hands on and plans to sleep someday. She is owned by three cats who resent all time she spends playing games instead of petting them.

Send your darling a demonic declaration this Valentine’s Day with help from Diablo and Blizzard Watch

Whether you adore Valentine's Day, or prefer the Gal- or Pal-entine's variations -- or maybe you couldn't care less about a specific day and want to share your affections with someone special any day of the year -- BlizzardWatch and social media team of the Diablo franchise can lend you a hand in sending a message to that significant someone.

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