Phil Xavier
The Queue: Queen
That’s Makoto Nijima, codename “Queen,” from Persona 5. She’s one of my favorite videogame characters of all time.
I wanted to say that, and I have some other things to say:
Edwin VanCleef did nothing wrong.
Elune is a giant Moonkin.
Stay tuned for more nuggets of truth!
How to complete all the puzzles in Hearthstone’s Book of Heroes: Gul’dan adventure
It might be a little difficult to convince a bunch of orc chieftains to drink the suspicious, green and thick substance in this demon horn you're holding — particularly in the form of a puzzle in the latest Hearthstone adventure.
All of the ways to earn Anima in Shadowlands
There are multiple reasons why we need to earn Anima in Shadowlands, and it seems like the hunt for it is here to stay.
What kind of WoW expansion should follow Shadowlands?
At some point in the future, we'll leave the Shadowlands behind, and (probably) return to Azeroth.
How important is a game’s story to you? How does being an MMO change that to you?
We all have various reasons why we play video games .
Cosmetic skins and new Bartenders are coming to Hearthstone Battlegrounds
I've been saying for a long time that Hearthstone could use more cosmetics — and, thankfully, it looks like that's exactly what we're getting.
How to get every Hero Portrait in Hearthstone, including the new Druid of the Flame Malfurion and Shaman Ragnaros
How does one get new Hero Portraits in Hearthstone?
What do you think Sylvanas Windrunner’s fate will be after she’s defeated in the Sanctum of Domination raid?
We should find out in *checks clock* a few hours.
What would the World of Warcraft beach episode be like?
"DRINK, INSECT!," yells Tikilord Ragnaros, as he puts the finishing touches on your drink and hands it to you.
Latest Hearthstone patch adds Kurtrus Ashfallen to Battlegrounds, plus buffs to struggling heroes
As if today's expansion announcement wasn't enough, we also got a new Hearthstone patch featuring a plethora of Battlegrounds updates.