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Mitch —

The Queue: 100-year-old house

Wow, is it already Thursday? I mean, it isn’t for me. But it will be when you read this. I guess unless you live somewhere where it’s not or you’re another writer at the site and are peeking at this ahead of time.

Okay, let’s forget how time and days work and just say “Happy today, folks!” and then get on with The Queue. Sound good?

The Queue!

The Queue: 100 days to Halloween

Yes, believe it or not, today means we’re officially 100 days away from Halloween! …but we’re probably not going to have most of the usual shenanigans this year, which is a mega bummer. Oh well, I’ll still do my best to celebrate the spooOoOo0ky season when the time comes.

Until then, how about we Queue?

The Queue: What a week

I mean, every week has been A Week™ for many weeks now, but this past week was definitely A Week™ in its own right.

Now that I’ve said “week” a bunch, I’d say we’re ready for my weekly weeknanigans. What say we Queue?

The Queue: Be good

Some weeks, I can write an intro that’s fun and about a specific topic without feeling like I’m being disingenuous. Other weeks, the world seems like it’s so on fire that trying to pretend otherwise feels wrong. There’s been a lot of upsetting (yet important-to-bring-to-light) news in the gaming world this past week or so, and that makes this week one of the latter weeks.

So I’ll just say this: Be good. To each other, to yourself, and just in general.

Now then, let’s Queue.

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