What skins do you want added in Overwatch’s 2019 Winter Wonderland event?
The Queue: Inexplicable
It’s Thursday, y’all, and today’s Queue’s a good one. So let’s just go ahead and… dive right in.
What video game has the best fishing?
What gaming did you do over the long weekend?
The Queue: Throwbacksgiving
I can hear those words perfectly. In fairness, though, I can hear pretty much every line from that game perfectly. I’ve played it a lot.
Anyhow, this is a Thankful Queue. Let’s do it.
What are you thankful for in gaming?
The Queue: Tired
I’m writing this at 6:00 a.m. from a hospital waiting room after having slept a little under 4 hours. Everything is fine (my brother’s going in for his second round of surgery) and by the time this is live, I’ll hopefully be deep in nap. But right now, in the moment this is being written, I am very tired.
Let’s Queuzzzzzz….
With Phase 1 officially completed, how is your WoW Classic journey going?
The Queue: Sylvanas isn’t evil
She’s still a good guy, y’all. Trust me on this — she told me herself.
Anyhow, I’m sick again and it’s cold in Michigan and everything is awful. LET’S QUEUE!
The Queue: Cold and blue
I’m exhausted in pretty much every way possible and the post-con blues are hitting me pretty hard, so I’m just gonna dive in today.