The Queue: Yesterday was Thursday
I know I told you all that I’d be writing yesterday’s Queue — and that was the plan! I promise! — but I must tell you… that was not me. That was Jovan pretending to be Rossi pretending to be me. Don’t worry, though, I am the real me today.
Or, I guess worry if you hate me. Either way…
Let’s Queue.
Everyone on my team is worse than me, and it’s their fault I just lost
The Queue: You can be my Sleeping Beauty. I’m gonna put you in a coma.
All right, let’s see if The Queue behaves this week. Let’s also see if I can’t finish this the night before it actually goes live. Frankly, I have to, because I’m not going to be at my PC for a couple hours before it goes live. Is anything important happening today? Who cares!
Let’s Queue.
The Queue: I could take the high road (but I know that I’m goin’ low)
Well if it isn’t Tuesday again. Time to finish writing a thing I started 12 hours ago!
Let’s Queue.
Blizzard shouldn’t nerf PVP mana regen when the real issue is healing from non-healers
Baptiste impressions: Overwatch’s latest hero feels like a powerful mash-up of several other heroes, with few real downsides
The Queue: The shadow on the wall tells me the sun is going down
Happy Tuesday, folks! I hope your Monday was less exhausting than mine was. It wasn’t bad, mind you — just exhausting.
Anyhow, y’all were full of questions, so let’s say we Queue?