Fans cry censorship as Hearthstone changes art for eight cards
The latest Hearthstone patch tucked in an update to eight cards that swaps out their slightly sexy or violent art for a tamer look.
The League of Explorers returns in Hearthstone’s Saviors of Uldum expansion
I hope you're ready for some tomb-raiding adventures, because the next Hearthstone expansion is taking us dungeon-diving in Uldum.
What could the next Hearthstone expansion be — Chromie weighs in from the future
Hearthstone follows a consistent release schedule.
Vanish and Mind Blast head to the Hearthstone Hall of Fame, but new cards will replace them
If you were playing World of Warcraft back in Legion, you may remember the phrase class fantasy because it got bandied around a lot when Blizzard reworked classes.
This week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is all about aggro
This week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is an odd one.
A step-by-step guide to playing Mech Hunter decks in Hearthstone
If you're looking to win as a Mech Hunter, building a strong deck with good synergy, card draw, and removal is a necessary first step to any Hearthstone victory.
The Rise of the Mech Hearthstone Tavern Brawl highlights recent card buffs
I generally like Hearthstone's Tavern Brawls.
How to win Hearthstone’s Dalaran Heist (probably)
Struggling to beat Hearthstone's Dalaran Heist single-player adventure adventure?
You’ll need teamwork to take down Nefarian in this week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl
This week's Hearthstone Brawl is a rerun, but it's a fun one...
How to make enough gold to buy the new Hearthstone single-player mode
The Dalaran Heist single-player mode in Hearthstone is well underway.