WoW Classic
Earn Runes, gear, and bags by completing Waylaid Supplies in WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery
World of Warcraft Classic's Season of Discovery has changed old world Azeroth by adding new abilities for every class, new endgame and open world encounters, and new systems to use with possibility of much more to come in the future.
How to get your first Rune in WoW Classic Season of Discovery
World of Warcraft Classic's newest season, the Season of Discovery, is here!
How the Rune Engraving system works in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, now live!
World of Warcraft Classic's latest specialized season of content, Season of Discovery, has officially arrived!
Priest racial abilities and in WoW Classic, Season of Discovery, Hardcore, and Anniversary realms
Racial abilities have always been a part of World of Warcraft, adding a variety of flavor to complement your character's race.
All of the class-ability runes (so far) in WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery
Season of Discovery, World of Warcraft Classic's latest specialized season of content, has put a new spin on Classic by taking certain class abilities from different expansions throughout World of Warcraft's lifetime and applying it to the Classic era setting.
WoW Classic Season of Discovery is now live!
One of the big reveals coming out of BlizzCon 2023 was the announcement of World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery, which launched globally at 1 PM pacific time on November 30.
What quests or zones would you like to see expanded on in WoW Classic Season of Discovery?
World of Warcraft Classic's upcoming Season of Discovery is putting a new spin on Classic Azeroth by adding Discoveries, a new exploratory reward that leads to new class abilities through a rune engraving system, a different levelling experience, and re-imagined endgame encounters.
Where will you find Discoveries in WoW Classic Season of Discovery? It’s all about exploration!
At BlizzCon 2023, Blizzard announced a new season of content for World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery, which provides a unique twist to pretty much everything about the game.
What motivates you to explore in games?
I still remember with fond nostalgia going wall walking with my wife back in original World of Warcraft, and all the strange places we found throughout Azeroth.
How would you feel if Blizzard implemented something like Season of Discovery in modern WoW?
I can't stop thinking about the Season of Discovery coming to WoW Classic and wondering how it would feel if we saw something similar for the modern game.