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The Queue

The Queue: I hope I remember to save this time

I wish I could explain how bad it feels to spend an hour or two combing through the Queue, our Discord, and emails to grab a bunch of questions, spend another hour or so answering them, and then lose all of that work because my thumb slipped or I hit the wrong key because I’m blind and can’t see the darn things. It’s bad, guys. I forgot to talk about Babylon 5 last week, that’s how upset I was.

Anyway, here’s the Queue. If I screw this one up I’m gonna punch myself. Might just punch myself anyway, I have it coming.

The Queue: Here’s where I’d put my cute holiday picture of Marshmallow …

… if I had one!

So the whole family got matching pajamas to wear for Christmas, and Marshmallow got a bandanna that also matched. He looked super-cute in it too.

And then it disappeared. We have no idea what happened to it. At some point it was no longer around his neck, and we haven’t found it anywhere. As near as we can guess it fell off while he was outside and then blew away, but that’s just a guess. I suspect it’ll turn up in four months.

While we lament the cute picture that could’ve been, let’s answer some questions!

The Queue: Work, work.

It’s January 2, so my nose is firmly back against its grindstone. Now, I don’t want to complain since my job is, you know, this. But still.

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask the questions and we provide the answers as long as there isn’t more work needs doing.

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