The Queue
The Queue: Gotta go fast
Sometimes you just gotta do things quickly right?
While I wait for my Dash cooldown to finish, it’s time for — The Queue!
The Queue: Friday edition
Another day means another Queue. But this Queue is special because it is the Friday Queue. A time of both long-suffering afternoons and hope for a peaceful weekend.
So let’s get to it. Here’s the Queue.
The Queue: Dilophosaurus did not have or need venom or a neck frill
At the time it lived, Dilophosaurus wetherilli might well have been the largest and most dominant predator on Earth. It was over seven meters long and 400 kilograms at the low side, making it about as big as a modern polar bear.
The Queue: May the 3rd be with you
…And also with you?
Yeah, sorry, I didn’t really know what to do for today, so I stole tomorrow’s thing. I have no regrets.
But I do have a The Queue.
The Queue: Second of May
Nothing in particular happens today. Oh, right. The patch.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we toe the line as close as humanly possible while we answer.
The Queue: It’s gonna be
It’s gonna be… something. Shoot.
It was just on the tip of my tongue! I know that April showers bring… something… Oh well, I’m sure it’ll come to me.
While I try and figure that out, it’s time for — The Queue!
The Queue: In which Xiv makes me blush
Uh… yeah, well, let’s talk about stuff other than my face.
The Queue: I’m writing Liz’s Queue tomorrow
Sometimes y’all get upset if we don’t tell you up front, so there it is. Tomorrow Liz is gonna be traveling and so I’m writing her Queue.
I’m also writing my Queue right now, so here we go.
The Queue: Romantic Residents
Hello and happy Wednesday, Queuemans!
We didn’t get many questions, so this might be on the shorter side, but please enjoy our time together on what is, at least here, a sunny afternoon.
Also, how come no one told me the Resident Evil remake had such amazing cosmetic outfits for Leon and Ashley?
The Queue: Sprung
I can be a little strange living in a place where your climate is just a tad ahead of everyone else’s. I’m starting to see posts from friends and family in Upstate New York talking about how it’s almost spring and they’re so excited, lots of discussion about the upcoming Rochester Lilac Festival, marking the true beginning of spring. Meanwhile, I’m over here already breaking out the shorts, booking summer camps, and battling mosquitos.
On the flip side, it does make me feel oddly on the ball and prepared. Maybe I should try to schedule things a few months in advance more often.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we’ll answer in a timely fashion.