The Queue
The Queue: Return of the Nelf
So yeah, Tuesday night was my return to raiding on my Night Elf Warrior, after my Lightforged took center stage for a good deal of the expansion so far. Why’d I switch back? No idea. I guess I missed how blissfully upset she can look at a moment’s notice.
The Queue: Overwhelm Overwhelming
There is so much happening today. Hearthstone Battlegrounds season change, WoW Classic phase change, Overwatch 2 holiday change, maybe even a WoW holiday await today. It’s a whole lot. To the extent that I wonder if they like, talk to each other? Maybe one team should try putting things out on, oh, I don’t know, a Thursday or something?
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we’ll answer when we get two seconds to freakin breathe.
The Queue: This is fine
Gentle readers, I dearly wanted this to be a triumphant picture of a bear next to a downed Eranog. However Mythic difficulty proved to be a bit out of our reach the first night we attempted it. I’m sure that the next time we go in we’ll be able to break the line of elementals that spelled our doom but tonight was not that night…
While I try and find more gear with fire resist on it, it’s time for — the Queue.
The Queue: Well, at least it’s Friday edition
Somehow Friday always sneaks up on me, is always a surprise. What happened to the rest of the week, I don’t know… but once again it’s Friday. Time to celebrate another week survived and answer some of your questions about World of Warcraft (and anything else).
Let’s Queue.
The Queue: Sometimes you just want to see the world stop burning
Right now the two games I’m playing are World of Warcraft: Dragonflight and Fallout 4. I enjoy Dragonflight quite a bit, and I really think of Fallout 4 as less of a post apocalyptic RPG — if I want that kind of feel I’d still be playing Cyberpunk 2077 — and more of a post apocalyptic version of Stardew Valley.
The Queue: An Engaging Queue
I wasn’t really planning on writing a Queue themed after the upcoming Fire Emblem Engage, but the questions dictated it. So I guess a certain tradition I have will be maintained: I don’t always write The Queue, but when I do, it’s themed after a non-Blizzard game (or series).
But worry not, for there are quite a few Blizzard-related questions here as well. This is The Queue, let’s do our thing!
The Queue: player housing?
Did you ever get a wild hair and decide that you’re going to rearrange your furniture or get new curtains or retile your backsplash? Yeah, me either.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and no, there’s no teal paint under my fingernails. Could you help me move this tent peg?
The Queue: Off-topic time!
I thought it might be fun to do some off-topic Queue questions. I’m not sure where I got this idea from, it might be because of the ramen question. Let’s blame that!
Next week we’ll probably return to our regularly scheduled programming.
While I log out of Warcraft, it’s time for — The Queue.
The Queue: Let’s fish (or why I am stuck in fishing purgatory)
I am not usually a person who fishes in video games, but I am going to get these Draconic Recipes in Bottles. I am determined. I am going to keep fishing until I get every recipe I could possibly want, and then fish a little more to be sure I haven’t missed anything good.
Anyway, let’s take a break from fish in order to do some Queue.
The Queue: I keep being surprised it’s 2023
I have not actually played Garfield Lasagna Party, but I do know it exists. And because I couldn’t continue to live in a world where you might not know that, I have shared that information with you. I have not seen or heard anything to make me willing to spend almost $40 USD to pick it up.
It’s the Queue. Assume I’m reading all of your questions as Gollum.