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The Queue: Later, nerds

Today’s edition of the Queue is my last as a regular Queue contributor and my last as Editor-in-Chief. (Note the little addition they made to my title in my byline.) If you haven’t yet heard, I’m stepping down from my current role at Blizzard Watch. I’ve shared the full details on my personal blog, but here’s the short version: Don’t worry about it. I’m okay. Everyone’s okay. There’s no drama. Blizzard Watch will be in good hands. Today is officially my last day, so expect news from the site’s new editorial team tomorrow. I’ll still be around contributing to news and what-have-you, and I might still be doing the podcast, but beyond that? We’ll see!

With that out of the way…

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

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