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The Queue: Krasus’ Landing

For whatever reason, whenever I read the words ‘Krasus’ Landing’ my brain immediately conjures up a ‘Dawson’s Creek’ style show set in Dalaran. I guess Season One would have been set in Wrath and been a very sturm und drang story about the forbidden love between Alliance and Horde mages, which of course only got harder when Cataclysm came out and the two factions got really hostile, and they finally broke up for good in Mists. A lot of people thought the show had jumped the shark in Warlords because it was suddenly all about these Orcs and Draenei, but Legion brought a lot of viewers back when the original characters returned, now bitter enemies but still there’s sort of a simmering attraction between them.


Oh, right, the Queue. Fine, we can talk about other stuff.

The Queue: On dragon vacation

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Today’s a short one as we come off of a relatively quiet weekend. Make sure you ask some good questions for tomorrow. In particular, if you had any in-depth lore questions, Rossi’s up to bat and will be a better person to answer them than I am.

BlizzCaps: Heavy is the head that wears the crown

"Look, man, I know wiping 30 times on Helya is stressful, and I’m really sorry you didn’t get the battle rez and the healers stole aggro and the Hunters hit Barrage and pulled all that extra trash — it was purely accident, I swear — but wandering around to pick up all our bones off the floor is really freaking all of us out," writes submitter Arugadh of Brotherhood of Iron on Wyrmrest Accord (US-A).

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