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The Queue: Goodnight Axe

So yeah, Nighthold’s pretty fun and pretty weird. The Chronomantic Anomaly is a strange fight that kind of reminds me of the room in Dire Maul just off the library with Immol’thar in it. The pylons with all the arcane elemental type mobs? Yeah, it definitely felt similar. And I guess that makes sense, since DM was built by and for the Highborne in much the same way Suramar was.

This is the Queue. I admit I may actually run Nighthold LFR on my DK when it comes out, I actually like the raid. Emerald Nightmare never really did it for me and Trial of Valor is a resounding meh, I just don’t really want to kill Helya all that much. Gul’dan, though, I very much would like to kill. Although with my luck he’ll come back as a demon thing.

This is the Queue. Let’s talk Blizzard games.

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