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The Queue: I hate turkey

Just because it’s Thanksgiving doesn’t mean I have to actually eat turkey, does it? Because let me tell you a secret: I hate turkey. I have disliked it since I was a small child, and my Grandma has a very funny story she likes to tell about how sulky I would get when Mom sent me to school with turkey sandwiches. (Grandma, please, I’m 35 now and totally a grown up about these things. Mostly.)

I think I am somewhat more polite about my dislike of turkey these days, in that I usually take a slice with a smile and then cut it up and move it around my plate so no one notices that I am not eating it. That’s my plan today, too.

(Hopefully no one from my family reads my writing. They probably don’t, right?)

But while it’s a holiday here in the States, Queue questions don’t take the day off: let’s get to it.

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