Search Results For: Artifact
Blizzard’s Heart of Azeroth overview shows off an improved take on Artifact weapons
Blizzard has just given us a solid set of details about the Heart of Azeroth, Battle for Azeroth's equivalent of Legion's Artifact weapons. Most importantly, we'll be getting the Heart before Battle for Azeroth launches -- in fact, Magni Bronzebeard will give it to us after the Battle for Lordaeron.
How do you feel about retiring your Artifacts?
Well that was a little anti-climatic -- two world quests in Darkshore and my Kingslayers have officially been replaced.
Know Your Lore: The untimely death of Artifacts
There are weapons, and then there are weapons.
The Queue: Tuesday your Artifact turns back into a pumpkin
They’ve been the defining progression mechanism in Legion, and as of next Tuesday they’re paperweights.
This is the Queue. Let’s say goodbye to our awesome weapons, died to save Azeroth.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: It’s still all about Artifacts
It's a few days after Blizzard decided to max out everyone's Artifacts, and it's still all anyone's talking about.
Everything players feared about Artifacts has come true
Our supporters got to see this post last week, but now we’re opening it up to everyone.
Watch out, because the Empowered Artifact weapon animation may cause seizures
This week the quest to deal with that giant sword that's stuck in Azeroth's side went live, allowing us to empower our Artifact to level 126 and 75 Concordance of the Legionfall.
Artifact Power items can now be sold, try not to think of how much gold you’d have if you never used any
With the latest World of Warcraft update, players were allowed to complete the quest that marked the beginning of the end of our Artifact weapons.
Spoilers! You can advance on your Artifact chain right now — and max it out
Update: This quest chain is now live -- and it'll max out your Artifact entirely. Enjoy your superpowers!
Sorry, transmog fans: Artifact appearances are tied to specialization in Battle for Azeroth
In today's Q&A, Ion Hazzikostas crushed the hope of many transmoggers, because Artifact appearance transmog will be locked to specialization in the upcoming Battle for Azeroth expansion.