Search Results For: Artifact
What other challenges would you like to see Blizzard bring back via Timewalking?
Patch 9.1.5 will be hitting the PTR this week, and one of the surprises is that the otherwise-expected Legion Timewalking is also going to include a Mythic+ mode.
How to solo queue for old LFR difficulty raids to collect transmog
If you're a transmog fiend, it's okay, you're among friends here -- there's no shame in wanting pretty outfits.
The best dungeons and raids to farm for transmog
When discussing transmog farming in World of Warcraft, "best" is of course a relative term. That being said, literally every raid has at least a few interesting items that are worth exploring and collecting.
Tavern Watch Plays D&D: Join us this weekend for the grand finale of our Otherweald adventure!
This weekend, the team is getting together to play a D&D adventure set in Otherweald, fantasy world where we've encountered everything from devious clown gods to zombie dinosaurs.
How do you prefer animals be represented in games?
World of Warcraft is famous for taking liberties with the animals it presents.
Blizzard Watch Plays D&D: This weekend, our adventurers will fight a zombie T-Rex in an ancient temple. Tune in Tomorrow to listen live!
Once a month, the Blizzard Watch crew gets together to play D&D, and in our last session we continued our adventure in the world of Otherweald with DM Joe Perez.
How to earn reputation with The Archivists’ Codex in Korthia
Relics are a thing of the past.
Why World of Warcraft should remove all race/class restrictions and allow players to pick any combination they want
Look, it's 2021, and some of those older RPG restrictions just don't hold up anymore.
How toxicity in gaming affects the people who make the games
Game developers are human beings with feelings.
How to unlock Tazavesh, the Veiled Market in patch 9.1
Tazavesh, the Veiled Market is World of Warcraft's latest megadungeon, is arriving in Mythic-only glory with Shadowlands patch 9.1.