Search Results For: Artifact
Everything we know about the Necrolord Covenant in WoW Shadowlands
In Shadowlands, the Necrolord Covenant is considered the military might of the Shadowlands and protects it against external forces that wage war against the enemies of Death.
Everything we know about the Kyrian Covenant in WoW Shadowlands
In Shadowlands, the Kyrian Covenant is all about righteousness, valor, and humility, while giving us fluffy owl buddies and wing transmogs.
Everything we know about the Venthyr Covenant in WoW Shadowlands
In Shadowlands, the Venthyr Covenant is all about punishment and atonement.
Druid class changes in WoW Shadowlands
The Druid changes coming in World of Warcraft Shadowlands are a solid starting point for making them into the hybrid masters that they used to be.
Paladin changes in WoW Shadowlands
Highlord, a new threat is on the horizons.
Demon Hunter class changes in WoW Shadowlands
Shadowlands is the first expansion where Demon Hunters are going to see major changes.
Monk class changes in WoW Shadowlands
So you want to play a Monk in World of Warcraft's upcoming expansion, Shadowlands.
Priest class changes in WoW Shadowlands
Let's look at the impending class changes for Priests that are coming with the Shadowlands expansion for World of Warcraft.
Hunter class changes in WoW Shadowlands
World of Warcraft Shadowlands is bringing about a huge revamp to all classes, and Hunters are no exception.
What feature from Battle for Azeroth deserves another try?
I've been pretty blatant about my dislike for Azerite Armor this expansion, to the point where I worry at times that I'm too hard on it.