Search Results For: Diablo Immortal
How do you view games as entertainment?
Okay, so maybe I'm weird, but I'm at the point where playing video games has replaced watching TV for the most part.
How many games can you really play at once?
So right now I'm playing World of Warcraft on a reduced (but still daily) basis, mostly just on my one main, a Night Elf Warrior.
With no Overwatch 2 in 2021, is the current game doomed to a dead year?
The world could always use more heroes, but alas, Overwatch players won't be getting any new ones for awhile.
How would you feel about World of Warcraft (or apps related to it) coming to other platforms?
Activision Blizzard's investor call for the fourth quarter of 2020 was chock-full of interesting info, such as the expected fact that Diablo 4 won't be released in 2021, and the disappointing news that the same is true of Overwatch 2.
Who will join the Nexus next in Heroes of the Storm?
It's time for another round of "who do we think the next hero to join Heroes of the Storm will be?" This is overdue if anything, especially if Blizzard is still hoping to hit the target of multiple new heroes added this year.
What kind of mobile game by Blizzard would you be interested in playing?
Mobile games are a touchy subject.
In the time of COVID-19, gaming can help us stay connected
It is not an exaggeration to say that the entirety of my interaction with other humans comes from online sources right now.
Which BlizzCon 2019 panels will you be watching live, and why?
So, for this year's BlizzCon, there are no less than four free panels for people to watch, which means even if you don't have the Virtual Ticket there's a lot to watch for everyone involved.
Flying mammoths? Jet packs? The next expansion? What will be announced at BlizzCon 2019?
Now that BlizzCon dates have been posted, it's time to speculate on what we might see announced.
Gaming can offer a comforting world for disabled gamers — it’s not perfect, but it’s important
As my own personal disability has grown, I've come to see more and more what video games can do for those with disabilities.