Is it time to end the faction divide?
I am done with the Horde/Alliance divide.
Know Your Lore: The fall and rise of Tirion Fordring
Tirion Fordring is one of the oldest characters in Warcraft lore -- not by age, of course.
Know Your Lore: Underutilized Warcraft characters
World of Warcraft has a host of characters, some with massive importance to the story of the game, like King Varian Wrynn or Sylvanas Windrunner, Banshee Queen of the Forsaken.
Breakfast Topic: World at war
Imagine: The Horde and Alliance have fallen apart.
Role Play: Choosing a faction — Alliance
We've had several columns now where we've talked about developing and creating a character -- the basics of story creation, setting up character profiles, and even some of the basics of beginner roleplay.
Breakfast Topic: Please stop with Alliance vs. Horde
I get it.
Breakfast Topic: My friends vs my faction
Lately I've been thinking about going Horde so I can play a Tauren.
Breakfast Topic: My shifting moods
Aside from maining a Warrior I've changed roles, guilds, races, and even factions over the years.
The Queue: At least we’ll both be numb
Yes, occasionally I like a nice pop song. I started writing this Queue on my birthday, but it’ll go live the day after, so you don’t have to get me a present. Of course, if you chose to do me a solid anyway, I wouldn’t say no.
Let’s talk about those Blizzard games, shall we? As always, we’ll likely end up talking about Legion so there will be spoilers. I’ll try to keep that to a minimum, but it is a site covering Blizzard games and we have to talk about it somewhat.
Role Play: Plot points headed into Legion
This expansion has been just a little strange for roleplayers -- not in the sense of roleplay opportunities, there's certainly been plenty of that, but in terms of plot points -- where the story is leading.