Battle For Azeroth
What’s the most annoying thing about hitting 120 right now?
I think around the time my second new character hit 120 was when I started to realize how much I hate having to grind up Azerite for my Heart of Azeroth.
How do you feel about how complex World of Warcraft’s raid bosses have gotten over the years?
With the arrival of Zul'Gurub in WoW Classic on April 15, I'm having a great time going through all my screenshots of that raid and remembering when it was current.
What are your goals for the rest of Battle for Azeroth?
We're pretty deep into the Visions of N'zoth patch -- Ny'alotha has been raided, we've braved the depths of N'zoth's nefarious visions for Orgrimmar and Stormwind, and we've fought off his minions in Uldum and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Lead Narrative Designer Steve Danuser addresses concerns with Battle for Azeroth’s story and how the team is learning from them for Shadowlands
There is very little I enjoy more than an in-depth study of World of Warcraft and its narrative. Battle for Azeroth has been a fascinating case study in how a game's story can simultaneously impress and upset me -- it's entirely possible I just wasn't emotionally ready for the sheer devastation we've seen as the Fourth War unfolded, and watching as we go into Shadowlands without a resolution to the traumatic events of that conflict has at times felt disconcerting.
What have been the best and worst aspects of World Quests in Battle for Azeroth?
I think about World Quests in World of Warcraft a lot.
Patch 8.3 and how we gave N’Zoth everything he ever wanted
I've been thinking a lot about what N'Zoth fate in patch 8.3 means for World of Warcraft going forward.
Know Your Lore: Why N’Zoth didn’t start the Fourth War
Battle for Azeroth has certainly not been all things to all people.
Read an excerpt of Shadowlands prequel novel Shadows Rising, featuring Zappy Boi
We've reached the end of Battle for Azeroth without a clear resolution.
What do you think Blizzard should do with professions in Shadowlands?
I really haven't liked my professions for several expansions -- I think the last time I really enjoyed crafting in World of Warcraft was during The Burning Crusade, if only because that was when I made my Lionheart Executioner.
How do you think a World of Warcraft expansion should end?
World of Warcraft's patch 8.3 is the ending of Battle for Azeroth, and with today's Ny'alotha raid we finally see the conclusion to the story of the expansion.