A new social contract is coming to WoW in patch 9.2.5 — but will it stop toxic behavior?
Is the solution to toxic behavior in World of Warcraft as simple as asking politely for people to not be toxic?
There’s a difference between feedback and harassment, and sometimes players forget what it is
It feels like there's a bit of confusion in the World of Warcraft community about what is and isn't acceptable as feedback or criticism about the game, versus what is or isn't considered a targeted harassment campaign.
How important is community to you?
I have been playing World of Warcraft for its entire existence, and in most cases, it's been because of the friends I have who play it -- the people who run dungeons and raids, or just chat over, or even just talk on Twitter about the game.
If you want World of Warcraft to be a better game, don’t be a jerk
It's often tempting to forget that MMOs are full of other people.
What impact have Blizzard games had on your life?
I ask questions here sometimes because the answers have an illuminating presence on my own life.
What positive moments have you experienced as a result of being part of a fan community?
In my case, it's probably my continuing ability to see at all.
Has LFG ruined World of Warcraft?
I remember the introduction of the Looking for Group tool for World of Warcraft very clearly because I was in the middle of trying to get a group for The Old Kingdom for my Death Knight.
Gaming can offer a comforting world for disabled gamers — it’s not perfect, but it’s important
As my own personal disability has grown, I've come to see more and more what video games can do for those with disabilities.
How do you feel about group content?
The Battle of Dazar’alor has arrived, and the raiding has begun in earnest.
The updated WoW Guilds and Communities feature doesn’t actually help the community
I've been advocating for an update to the guild panels for more than six years.