Kirin Tor
Khadgar’s countdown is over, so here’s how to earn the Witness of the Kirin Tor title
For three weeks since patch 11.0.7 went live, every time we've taken a portal to Dornogal we've seen a countdown above Khadgar's head tick down -- but the wait is over.
Hearthstone’s Book of Heroes explores Jaina’s past — and commits to Warcraft’s long-time faction conflict
Folks may remember that when Hearthstone was first released in 2014, it bore the subtitle "Heroes of Warcraft," which it lost two years later. While the precise reason the moniker was removed hasn't been stated, one interpretation is that when the playable heroes in Hearthstone are all recognizable from the Warcraft franchise, it's superfluous...
Know Your Lore: Jaina Proudmoore’s battle
Of all the myriad characters in World of Warcraft, none is quite so justifiably fed up as Jaina Proudmoore.
Dalaran updated with Doomsayers and Argus in the sky for everyone as a prelude to patch 7.3
To get ready for patch 7.3, Validated Doomsayers have appeared in Dalaran to warn us of our follies and the incoming destruction.
Know Your Lore: From High to Blood Elves
Quel'Thalas today is still recovering from the wounds inflicted by the Third War.
Role Play: Mage roleplay in Legion
Mage roleplay has been ramping up over the past couple of expansions.
Latest Legion 7.1 hotfixes address Xavius and more
A small set of hotfixes for patch 7.1 were released yesterday, including an adjustment to Shade of Xavius in the Darkheart Thicket dungeon.
Kirin Tor emissary quest completed for everyone at your next login
Blizzard just applied a hotfix that is giving everyone a free completed Kirin Tor emissary quest.
Know Your Lore: Who is Jaina Proudmoore?
A couple of years ago, I wrote about Jaina Proudmoore’s progress as a character after the loss of Theramore and the events in Mists of Pandaria.
Know Your Lore: Warlock Artifact lore in Legion
When it comes to new weapons in Legion, the Warlock Artifact lore we've been given stands in a strange place -- but then, so do Warlocks.