WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 7 launches on January 28, with Naxxramas opening on February 6
It's official, the final phase of WoW Classic Season of Discovery, Phase 7, goes live on January 28, 2025!
Unlock old transmog and crafting patterns with new secrets in Scholomance and Naxxramas
One of the World of Warcraft team's efforts during Dragonflight's patches has been bringing back old and previously unobtainable transmog appearances and crafting recipes.
Everything in Wrath of the Lich King Classic’s five content phases
Like WoW Classic and Burning Crusade Classic before it, Wrath of the Lich King Classic starts at a late patch (3.3.5) in terms of balance and class changes, but game content will roll out over the course of five phases, as well as a prepatch interval I’m terming “phase zero.” It mimics the original game release to an extent, but there will be some items whose availability will be unlocked as well over the course of the phases.
How to get to every dungeon and raid entrance in Wrath Classic
With Wrath Classic finally here and players doing their best to get to level 70, knowing where to find Northrend's dungeons is a priority for leveling — and for gearing up after you've hit max level.
You can finally see the original Naxxramas in WoW Classic Phase 6, now live
Folks who played at the beginning of Wrath of the Lich King definitely experienced Naxxramas, the expansion's first tier of raiding.
The mistake of removing content from World of Warcraft
I remember the first time my 40 player raid stepped into Naxxramas, the final raid of World of Warcraft's original game.
Is Kel’Thuzad’s cat Mr. Bigglesworth an important lore figure, or the most important lore figure?
Blizzard loves pop culture references, whether it's a character quoting a line from a movie, a song title as the name of a quest, or a character name as a play on obvious real name.
Why hasn’t WoW Classic been as challenging as it was the first time around?
Look, there's no gentle way to say this -- Naxxramas was cleared in WoW Classic in like an hour and a half. An hour and a half.
How the world first race has changed since Vanilla
The endgame culture around World of Warcraft has changed over the course of 15 years.
There’s a sweet Deathwing mount if you kill all 9 bosses for WoW’s 15th Anniversary event.
Fifteen years of World of Warcraft -- somehow it doesn't seem possible.