Don’t forget to spend your battle pet charms before the pre-patch!
In the transition between Warlords of Draenor and Legion, Pet Charms managed to evade the usual fate of currency in World of Warcraft and wasn't wiped between expansions.
Pet collectors, get ready for a confusing new Pet Charm system in Battle for Azeroth
Some changes are on the way for Pet collectors in Battle for Azeroth.
Upcoming quest changes in Battle for Azeroth
Changes to the game come with every expansion, and Battle for Azeroth is no exception.
Pet battle tabard and universe-spanning quest discovered in patch 7.3.5 PTR files
Sometimes I find myself wishing that magic were real.
Are you leveling your battle pets?
I go through phases with my battle pets.
🔒 Blizzard’s BlizzCon 2017 reveal should be a pet battle app
The idea is not something new -- an app for our phones that lets us battle with our WoW pets.
Do you obsessively need to finish collections?
I just downloaded Collection Shop and I'm already down 20k gold.
Patch 7.2: First look at pet battle dungeons
Way back at BlizzCon, during the World of Warcraft Q&A hosted by Wowhead's Panser, a question about the future of pet battles was asked.
Breakfast Topic: The next transmogrification
What could Blizzard add to World of Warcraft that could be a feature which you could utterly sink into, or utterly disregard?
No epic battle pets in Legion
A recent Legion build added new battle stones that would increase the maximum rarity of pets from rare to epic — and because epic pets would be a lot more powerful than rare pets, it would mean everyone would have to get them in order to do Legion pet battles.