Win scholarships from Heroes of the Dorm, plus collegiate Hearthstone and StarCraft
College is expensive.
TeSPA’s WoW Collegiate Dungeon Race starts today
If you couldn't get enough of the Mythic Dungeon Invitational back in October, and were just waiting for more World of Warcraft head to head PVE, your prayers have been answered.
Blizzard esports go to SXSW
I'm not sure why I'm bothering with the esports roundup this week.
BlizzCon esports opening week competition winds down
BlizzCon isn't quite here yet, but the opening week of esports matches is nearly over.
Heroes Bloodlust finals this weekend, plus BlizzCon and TeSPA schedules
Though the finals for the community tournament Bloodlust are this weekend, there's not much else going on in the world of Heroes of the Storm esports until BlizzCon.
Heroes of the Dorm tournament encounters problems
The opening rounds of Blizzard's Heroes of the Dorm Heroes tournament took place last weekend and the reaction so far is that the tournament has been fraught with problems.