Wow Classes
Which WoW races should get Druid forms next?
We're all thinking it: why, after an entire patch which took place inside the Emerald Dream itself, has Blizzard not seen fit to expand the list of races which can play as Druid?
What are you playing going into The War Within?
With all of the class changes in the pre-patch, it might be time to play something new.
How would you change the class system in World of Warcraft?
One thing I've always wanted to change about WoW is the idea that certain classes can only be played by specific races.
These are the classes you should play in WoW Classic
You should play a Warrior.
Why do you love the classes you do?
Look, maybe I'm wrong and you don't particularly care for any classes in World of Warcraft.
How many classes would be too many for WoW?
World of Warcraft has a lot of classes right now.
Breakfast Topic: How did you find your favorite class?
"You should play WoW," he said.
Breakfast Topic: Will you change your spec for Legion?
Outlaw got me.
Class specializations as brands
Have you ever looked at your specialization and considered its personality or brand?
BlizzCrafts: Minimalist posters break down your WoW spec
What single ability defines your specialization? On Reddit, Matt Stevenson took this question as a challenge... and went on to create minimalist poster art for each class and spec. Even though these are simplistic designs, they manage to catch the flair of every WoW playstyle.