Yule Log
Celebrate the holidays in cozy comfort with all of Blizzard’s yule log videos
It's that time of year again, when everything gets just a bit more cozy -- including long, looping videos of festive fireplaces decorated with your favorite themes.
Enjoy the world-shattering return of the Overwatch Yule Log, now live
Update: The stream is now live, so it's time enjoy the adventures of Jeff sitting in front of a fire for eight hours.
Happy holidays! Enjoy Matt Mercer sitting in front of a Yule Log
Last year, Jeff Kaplan entertained us all for the holidays by sitting in front of a cozy fire for 10 hours, but apparently this year he turned the gig down.
Here are the best moments from Jeff Kaplan’s Yule log stream
By this point, if you've been on the internet in the past few days even a little, you probably know that Jeff from the Overwatch team spent Christmas Eve in front of a Yule log.
Jeff Kaplan gets 40,000+ people to watch him sit in front of a fire on Twitch; Jeff is our hero
Overwatch and Jeff Kaplan have broken the Internet this Christmas Eve as they stream on Twitch the popular game director sitting in front of the fire, doing nothing.