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Discussion > WoWOct 16, 2023 8:00 am CT

What’s your favorite outdoor group event in Dragonflight?

Dragonflight started off with three outdoor group events and it has not stopped adding them since. Patch 10.2 will be here soon and that will include three more interconnected events. So I am once again asking you what’s been your favorite so far?

If you’re like me, you may not remember all of them, so here’s a quick refresher:

So yeah, that’s a lot of stuff to do in-game this expansion, and it doesn’t even include world bosses, rares, or single-target events like the Froststone Vault Primal Storm. Not that all of them are fun, mind you — Dreamsurges feel more like busywork, but considering the rewards and the fact they can be done quickly and at will, they’re worth doing especially when gearing a fresh 70. But the vast majority of the open world content has been worth doing (at least when they’re not bugging out).

In terms of favorites I have to give my votes to Time Rifts and Researchers Under Fire, and of the two, I’ve had the most fun doing Time Rifts. Both events are lessons in organized chaos, but with Researchers Under Fire requiring a substantial number of players to make any progress on — I start looking for listings in the Groupfinder ten minutes before the event starts — it’s never going to be as good as Time Rifts, where low participation just reduces currency acquisition and doesn’t prevent the important rewards from being earned. Time Rifts also benefit from having multiple quick options and several boss possibilities rather than just two large scenarios with the same ending.

When it comes to the pre-10.1 group content, I have to give my nod to the Siege of Dragonbane Keep, which I still find fun, if a little repetitive. Ditto the Community Feast, which like Time Rifts is a series of small bursts of chaos punctuated by frequent calls of “Yes Chef!” Great Hunts I’m less enthused about when they’re part of the weekly Aiding the Accord quest because they’re slow and feel kind of pointless now, and while Primal Storms were a good way of acquiring gear and transmog during Season One nowadays I never bother to visit them anymore.

But what about you? Are you a fan of the recent events or the older events? Do you still regularly do any of the pre-10.1 content or do you tend to focus on the newer stuff? And which event do you hope is emulated in future expansions?

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