Cory Taylor
Sepulcher of the First Ones will allow cross-realm Mythic raiding in patch 9.2.5
The Queue: Insert Queue here
[Definitely remember to write something better than this block of placeholder text, maybe something about ducks? People seem to really like ducks]
[–The Queue]
The Queue: Let us begin
I’ve finally got some Mythic kills under my belt this tier! Between real-life being busy, and not raiding on Mother’s day this was my first chance to get in with the team for the big show. Thankfully, we got Vigilant Guardian and Skolex down with little issue!
That worm hurts! I don’t feel like I’m a very squishy tank, but Skolex was chewing through my armor like a worm going through an apple.
After we cleared the two bosses that my guild had killed before, we had a little time for Dausegne progression. She must be able to see the future or something because man did she have our number. Although she couldn’t seem to see us cheesing her Staggering Barrage thankfully. Did you know that you can force it to choose someone if they’re the only one in the raid that doesn’t have the debuff from it? That meant that we could pile the whole raid into one, and then have someone with an immunity stay out to take the second. Creative!
While I work harder on not getting hit by too many mechanics at once, it’s time for — The Queue.
The Queue: Busy weekend
I had such a busy weekend in real-life that I need a second weekend to recover! (Please don’t send me to the Bad Place)
I feel like my poor Druid has been so neglected at this point that it’s probably covered in a bunch of spider webs and dust. Also when it stands up a swarm of bats has been nesting in its fur and they fly off into the night. Just classic cartoon nonsense y’know?
Of course, I am a Venthyr Druid so those bats might be unrelated…
While I try and win the lottery so I can have more peaceful weekends, it’s time for — The Queue
The Queue: Zug Zug
I hope that nobody throws a boot at this poor Peon. Everyone deserves to have a nice nap! Man, what a way to make a living.
Speaking of naps…
While I try and find a good comfy spot to snooze, it’s time for — The Queue!
Player housing, Night Elf Paladins, and ducks — highlights from our Dragonflight interview with devs Tina Wang and Jackie Wiley
The Queue: More like Byegelon
I didn’t remember to take a picture of my bear next to him — but we did it! 10/11 Heroic Sepulcher!!
Rygelon actually took us most of the evening. Getting the timing right with the Quasar’s and dropping debuffs has always been the trickiest part. On Normal it was inconvenient to mess that up, on Heroic it was a raid wipe. I gotta say I’m not really a fan of these mechanics where if one person makes one mistake it’s game over. Especially after how many times we wiped to Anduin Blasphemy being dropped on the melee clump. The rest of Rygelon was fine, my raid has enough people pushing 15+ keystones that we overgear the raid pretty solidly now, so a lot of the damage checks are just being blown past.
Now we move on to the first few bosses on Mythic before coming back and getting the Jailer. In theory, they’re easier but I’ll believe that when I have Mythic Skolex and Dausegne on the ground in front of me.
While I look up what kind of fish I can catch using a giant dead interdimensional worm as bait, it’s time for — The Queue.
Leveling in World of Warcraft Dragonflight will have us climbing to the top of the Dragon Isles
World of Warcraft Dragonflight will feature a tamed dragon mount we’ll use to fly “from the start” with Dragonriding
The Queue: Wait, today’s a holiday?
Here I am ready for another fun and exciting Queue, and apparently, it’s a holiday?!
I’ve never been so bamboozled in all of my life!
While I try and figure out a way to get back my lost relaxing time, it’s time for — The Queue.