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Cory Taylor

Cory Taylor @CoryjTaylor — Cory comes from the Land of Ice and Snow, an avid Blizzard fan he's been hooked since Warcraft 2. He spends his time in Warcraft as a Guardian Druid, and out of Warcraft wishing he could spend 6 months out of the year hibernating.

The Queue: Kael’thas is a jerk

I’ve put about a night of attempts into the Mythic Kael’thas fight in Castle Nathria, and it’s official, he’s a jerk. We’re just trying to help the guy out and he’s busy having some internal battle for his very soul. Very inconsiderate.

Just like throwing up his super-powered Flame Shield that we have to break before he turns us into flame-broiled raiders. It’s a huge jerk move!

While I put on some burn cream, it’s time for — The Queue.

The Queue: Shiny rock on a stick

It’s more than just a rock on a stick. It’s a shiny rock on a stick! That’s where the real power comes from.

On a side note, it’s tough to build a purple and crystally themed set of leather armor in World of Warcraft. There’s plenty of purples, but very little crystal stuff out there. Kyrian’s have a set that would work, but then I’d have to go join up with them, and no way am I turning my back on my buddies in Revendreth.

While I keep searching my bags for the perfect gear, it’s time for — The Queue.

The Queue: Spring forward

The Bronze Dragons are at it again! Stealing time from us and causing untold mischief across the land. Maybe someday we’ll figure out a way to truly save daylight once and for all, but until then we’ll just have to put up with their chronal shenanigans. At least the time on my microwave is finally correct again.

Wait, didn’t I say this last year? I’m getting the strangest sense of deja Queue…

The Queue: Wrong turn in Albuquerque

My group finally downed Mythic Hungering Destroyer! Don’t ask me how Blackhand got there though. Someone must’ve been messing with some wacky time streams. Who knew that he was the hero that we needed all along?

We wound up using four tanks to kill Destroyer and it ended up trivializing the extra debuff mechanic pretty much, it just took a long time for people to stop running the big deadly laser beams on top of each other.

While we get ready to save the soul of the Sun-King, I take you now to — The Queue.

The Queue: What do you get a Baroness

What do you get a Baroness who has it all? Turns out, it’s the freshly severed heads of mighty foes. Who knew?

I just unlocked my Ember Court’s fourth upgrade and I get to invite the fanciest of people to my parties now. I’m very happy to report that my wild and dangerous decadent party full of wacky misadventures really did the trick — the Baroness left extremely happy. Now I just have to see if I can pull it off again next week with Mikanikos.

While I obsess over table settings, I take you now to — The Queue.

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