The Queue: Wake me up
It’s officially September, which means I have the honor of writing The Queue on the perfect day for a meme/triple earworm combo. Will you wake me up inside? Before you go-go? Or when September ends? That’s my Q4TQ today — now it’s time for yours.
Let’s go!
Reminder: This is your last chance to purchase seasonal Overwatch skins (and loot boxes)
WRUP: It’s the weekend and one member of Team Blizzard Watch is especially excited about ink or squids or something
The Queue: The glorious return of Splatfests — Rock, Paper, or Scissors?
This weekend is one of those weekends I’ve been looking forward to for so long that it’s hard to believe it’s actually here. I speak, of course, of the return of Splatfests! As I’m sure I’ve mentioned at least once here, this is a brand-new Splatfest format, now featuring THREE sides instead of two (and a slightly different match-up format as a result).
I have no idea how it’ll go, but I’m excited all the same. Also, I’m leaning heavily toward #TeamRock because of Big Man, but I also really like Shiver’s (#TeamPaper) style.
Anyhow, while I think on that, we have a Queue to get to.
So, what’s your WoW character doing in the 3-year gap between Shadowlands and Dragonflight?
WRUP: A weekend full of dragons is in store for most of Team Blizzard Watch
Gallery: First look at the gorgeous, sprawling Ohn’ahran Plains from the Dragonflight alpha
The Queue: I blossom in the moonlight
That right there is the official Dragonflight login screen, newly revealed with the latest alpha build. I really like it! Granted, I’d still love to see rotating login screens because I get bored easily, but I know that’s not exactly WoW’s typical (M)MO.
Anyhow, enough about login screens. It’s Queue time.
WRUP: It’s the weekend and there’s definitely no cult activity happening here, nope!
The Queue: Slicing with my Splatana
Well, I had a nice intro written all about Splatoon 3, but then the website logged me out and I lost it. So now, you get this pale imitation of an intro.
…Okay, the original wasn’t all that special anyhow. But it did include a nice tie-in to our first question which I’m just gonna dive righ