The Queue: Mayo vs. Ketchup Pt. II
Man, kind of crazy to think it’s been almost 3 years since my first Splatfest-themed Queue, huh? And here we are again, revisiting that fateful Mayo vs. Ketchup battle. I still don’t quite know why it came down to those two choices, and spraying white ink all over the map as Team Mayo is, um… interesting. But I am excited as heck, because I missed Splatfests so much.
The bonus Splatfest kicks off tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. Pacific, and (unlike last time), I’ll be repping Team Mayo. It’s gonna be a good time.
Anyhow, it’s Queue time.
The Queue: Tomorrow’s World
I think y’all know how much I like MUSE. If you don’t, well, I really like MUSE. That’s why, when I found out their lead singer had put out a new solo song, I was very happy. It’s slower, and it’s not necessarily my favorite type of MUSE song, but I still like it. And it hits that “new MUSE song” fix that I pretty much constantly have.
Anyhow, enough of that. We’re in Queuesville. Population: Us.
What’s the worst thing you’ve willingly made your character do?
What other temporary buffs or changes would you like to see in WoW while we wait for Shadowlands?
How much do you think WoW classes should change between expansions?
The Queue: Don’t let this beast eat me!
If you can hear this line in your head, congrats! You’ve run Siege of Boralus too many times.
Anyhow, Queue time!
(This week’s Queue is, sadly, not an all-Kalcheus Queue.)
The Queue: Cat
I currently cannot see my cat because of the quarantine. I mean, it’s technically a family cat that lives with my parents, but I consider him my cat because he loves me so much and also I love him. I’ve visited from a safe distance twice, but I’m pretty sure he’s at least half blind, so he just kind of looked super confused to be outside and didn’t really seem to realize I was there. I can’t wait until I can finally see him again.
But enough about my cat. It’s Queue time.
The Queue: I’m Low on Gas
How’s everyone doing today? It’s been a bit of a crummy week here, but I’m hanging in for now. I’m hoping that Michigan’s weather decides to warm up soon, since we’ve had snow several times within the past week. Warm weather gives me life.
Anyhow, enough of that. Let’s Queue.
What sort of entry fee (if any) should Torghast have, and how easy should it be to farm?
The Queue: And you need a jacket
I was really good about writing The Queue early last week. This week, not so much. I mean, I’ve been later… but I’m definitely more tired than I’d like to be right now.
So, hey, why not just go ahead and Queue?