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Mitch —

The Queue: Untitled Queue Simulator

Here’s a fun one to ponder while y’all read over this: If The Queue were turned into a simulator-style game, what would it look like? I think the characters you could play as would be fairly obvious, but would there be bonus characters? How would one unlock Jovan? And how would you be scored? What a fun concept for everyone to think on!

While you do that, let’s Queue.

The Queue: My head hurts

Today is Day 12 of having a headache. It gets immeasurably painful when I do any sort of physical activity and turns into a dull, regular headache the rest of the time. It’s been real fun. But hey, the doctors insist I’m not dying, so there is that.

Anyhow, that’s as clever an intro as you’re gonna get from me today. Let’s Queue.

The Queue: Sike? Psych? Psyche?

In yesterday’s comments, ValenceMagi mentioned “psyche” in terms of faking people out. I’ve never been quite sure what the best way to spell that word is, often opting for “sike.” But it got me curious about how YOU spell that word. So, there’s my question for y’all today. You think on that for a bit. In the meantime…

Let’s Queue.

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