Free Hearthstone packs to celebrate 70 million players
As Hearthstone hits a staggering milestone of 70 million players, they're celebrating by giving 3 free Journey to Un'goro card packs to everyone who logs into the game between now and the end of May.
Playing Hearthstone’s Taunt Warrior
Taunt Warrior is the new standard version of the Control Warrior archetype: stall the game and control the board long enough until you find your win condition.
Playing Hearthstone’s Cavern Rogue
I have to admit, I did not expect The Caverns Below to be that amazing of a quest.
Playing Hearthstone’s Ramp Druid
While Cavern Rogue and Time Warp Mage are emerging as competitive decks, we're going to shift away from that for a moment.
What the pros are playing in Hearthstone’s Journey to Un’goro
Hearthstone's Journey to Un'goro expansion has been out for almost a day now.
Hearthstone’s Journey to Un’goro is now live
Danny Pudi's adventures in Un'goro may be over, but the Journey to Un'goro expansion for Hearthstone is now live.
Danny Pudi’s Hearthstone adventures come to an end in last Wonders of Un’Goro video
Are you ready for adventure?
Hearthstone’s Journey to Un’Goro expansion out April 6
I can no longer read Journey to Un'Goro without mentally hearing Ben Brode singing it, but for those of you who are more interested in actually getting your hands on Hearthstone's latest expansion, we finally have a release date.
All cards from Hearthstone’s Journey to Un’goro expansion
Though we don't yet know every card from Hearthstone's upcoming Journey to Un'goro expansion, this is everything we know so far.
Hearthstone Global Games teams announced
The teams for the Hearthstone Global Games have been officially announced.