The Queue
The Queue: Please Don’t
Slay the Princess is out today Monday (last minute delay due to Steam certification issues) and I am super excited. I’ve been wanting this game since it first appeared on the Steam store last year, and I didn’t even bother with the demo because the description had me sold and I didn’t want to split up my time with it. I even named it my top GOTY candidate for 2023! Now I just have to hope that I actually do enjoy the game. Although I don’t know how I wouldn’t, because this description sounds phenomenal:
You’re on a path in the woods, and at the end of that path is a cabin. And in the basement of that cabin is a Princess.
You’re here to slay her. If you don’t, it will be the end of the world.
She will do everything in her power to stop you. She’ll charm, and she’ll lie, and she’ll promise you the world, and if you let her, she’ll kill you a dozen times over. You can’t let that happen. Don’t forget, the fate of the world rests on your shoulders.
You’re not going to listen to him, are you? We’re supposed to save princesses, not slay them…
I’m not a huge horror game fan, but this level of psychological trickery is right up my alley. But since I can’t play it quite yet, why don’t we answer some questions?
The Queue: You now have access to the new Bing!
I don’t know what I did to my computer for it to threaten me like this.
I was going to use a header image of the Titans from WoW because of Zuel’s question but the picture of BT from Titanfall 2 came up so there you go, my new headcanon is that the Titans from WoW look like the Titans from Titanfall.
The Queue: Let the carnage begin!
The stage is set, the green flag drops! We’re about to race, Queue. Bad to the Bone has just started playing. Fasten your seatbelts, and pedal to the metal!
The Queue: It’s oh so quiet
It’s nice and still. How about you? Nothin? That’s cool.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we– wait, do you hear that?
The Queue: Fall Guy
Hey, that’s me! Well not in the picture, but I do like spooky skins in my games. But I am a big fan of Fall, and I’m a guy…
Bonus points if you can guess which of these is my favorite!
While I go and take another trip, it’s time for — The Queue!
The Queue: An auspicious day
Happy Friday the 13th, everyone! Let’s enjoy the day while we have it, so we’re gonna get right to questions.
The Queue: Absurdifinity
So no one told me that I’d end up playing so much Metroid Dread when I started on Phantom Liberty.
Fortunately for me, when I get too upset and tense from being constantly chased by a killer robot, I can go into Starfield and be chased by an extremely sparkly person in a faceless helmet. Oh, and also often killer robots, mustn’t forget those.
What I’m saying is I’m spending a lot of time being chased by things in my off hours and it’s a touch exhausting.
The Queue: I’ll open this one
Hello and happy “It is Wednesday, my dudes” day! It is Wednesday, my dudes, and we’re here to Queue.
So let’s Queue.
The Queue: How’s it going, fellow ghouls?
You know, I’ve always been incredibly resistant to Christmas creep. Aside from things I’ve picked up while I’m travelling, I rarely start shopping until after Thanksgiving, and I really resent it when I go to the store in mid-November for a butternut squash or something and Michael Buble is already singing his heart out.
But Halloween creep? Well, for Halloween, we’re all creeps, aren’t we.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we’ll answer just as soon as you stick your hand into this bowl of skinned grapes. OooOOOooo!
The Queue: Frozen Turkey Day!
Today marks the return of Steam Next Fest, probably my current favorite gaming experience. Held thrice a year, Next Fest has hundreds of demos with a heavy focus on indie developers, although some of the major studios will have titles to show off (could Hades 2 make an appearance? Unlikely! But I can dream). What’s cool about Next Fest is that games are only allowed to be featured in one event, so you’re guaranteed to get a ton of new game demos every four months. Of course, many games keep their demos active after Next Fest is over, but it’s still a nice time to try out games and add them to your wish list.
It’s Thanksgiving in Canada so Cory asked me to fill in for him. I’ve even put in an earworm from a Hall of Fame Canadian band!