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The Queue

The Queue: In which Cory provides most of the questions

Questions questions questions, the master wants murder.

The master also wants questions, and Cory is always there to provide. But, you know, next Thursday maybe someone else would also ask some questions. That’d be pretty great. They don’t (necessarily) have to be about music, either! You can ask any question you’d like.

I may not have an answer to every question, but it’s always nice to be asked, you know?

So let’s set about answering Cory’s questions. (And maybe a few others.)

The Queue: When you start cackling like a madman you’re overtired

You know when you say something innocuous and then you start laughing your head off, and you just can’t stop, and the laughing gets louder and more shrill with every passing second until you sound like Cesar Romero and Jack Nicholson having a laugh off? Cause that’s me. The best part is that I’m wearing an eye patch (my right eye blew up this week) so I really am starting to look like a supervillain.

Anyway you puny mortals seriously how do these guys talk like that it’s so embarrassing but yeah this is the Queue. I was going to name it Taking Phantom Liberties or something but I’m way too tired for wordplay right now.

The Queue: The best way to eat corn

Oh hi there. I don’t know about y’all, but this week — and August as a whole — have been flying by. But hey, that just means Hardcore Classic realms and a shiny new patch for Dragonflight will be here sooner than we know it.

I’ll be partaking in one of those for sure, and maybe the other. Before that, though, we have something to do. Or should I say, something to…


The Queue: Remember N’zoth?

He’s back, and I wish it was in pog form!

I just got my first-ever Mythic N’zoth kill and let me tell you, even two expansions later that’s one tough cookie! Almost like he’s a god or something…

Those clever designers at Blizzard made him go nearly invulnerable at certain health thresholds, so even bringing an almost full raid of people who still remember where they left their Wrathion cloaks — we still had to deal with the sanity mechanics in the fight! Once that runs out you’re gone, no matter how much health you have.

All in all, it was a little much for a fight two expansions out. At this point, I think there should be some considerations put in place for fights like that, Mythic Jaina and Mythic Kil’jaeden where the brute force option isn’t a possibility.

While I try and figure out what that entails, it’s time for — The Queue!

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