The Queue
The Queue: Do I really have to come up with a new title every week?
If I didn’t have a new title every week, would anyone notice? If I just copied last week’s header image, would anyone care? I’m gonna have to think, but in the meantime have a look at my new buddy Baa’lial, who is super cute and definitely not in any way evil.
Let’s Queue!
The Queue: I really like this hat
Sometimes it’s the little things. Or, in this case, the relatively large things. I mean, that’s a pretty big hat.
It’s the Queue and me and my big hat are here to answer your questions.
The Queue: Hey, your stoplights are upside-down
I hope I’m not the only one who saw these earrings in Tears of the Kingdom and thought they were basically just stoplight earrings. And if I was, I hope I’ve made something un-seeable for at least one of you.
Anyhow, it’s time for The Queue. A short one, at that, because y’all didn’t really ask anything!
The Queue: Shadow Step and Dance With Me
My biggest criticism of Diablo 4 so far: the audio for the Rogue skill Shadow Step is the same as loot dropping. Every time I use it I instinctively look to see if I got a Legendary when all I did was move between targets. Not only that, the overhead icon is the same for an evading enemy — did I tag them or are they just resetting? You’d think having gotten through the campaign twice I’d be used to this, but no. Reusing assets is bad, mmkay!
Anyway while I consider switching to Dash to avoid the issue let’s answer some questions!
The Queue: Hey, I can see infinity from here
I think I figured out why Neltharion wound up getting corrupted by Old Gods. He had this giant window looking out into the infinite void and did not have proper safety railings put up around it. Just think that all of Azeroth’s history could have been different if only he’d had OSHA come by and do an inspection. It makes you think.
In other news, I’m now Ahead of the Curve! Once we got our positioning sorted out heading into the final phase everything just kind of clicked and we got Sarkareth down pretty quickly. Mythic Kezzara on the other hand has remained super mean and a big doo-doo head elusive for another week.
While I go invest in an Onyxian Scale Cloak to stop all of that Shadowflame damage, it’s time for — The Queue!
The Queue: Queued for login edition
What a beautiful day for a Queue!
The Queue: She really will
What have I been up to?
You know, just hanging out. Playing a little game. You probably won’t have heard of it.
The Queue: Hey, you. You’re finally undead
Hello and happy Wednesday, friends! Today was one of those days when I woke up in a panic because the first two things I noticed were sunshine from the windows and a dead phone next to me — thankfully, my internal clock internally rocks and I was waking up exactly when I needed to.
…I’m still tired, though. Because of course I am.
Sleepiness aside, this is The Queue, and it’s time for some queuestions.
The Queue: John, Paul, George, and Rathma
I cracked this joke in the fabulous Blizzard Watch Discord, and if you think I’m going to let a gem like that go by without rehashing it, you must be new here, hi. One of my favorite things about playing Diablo is being able to juxtapose the gritty, literally dark gore against lighthearted jokes.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions, and we’ll answer them as long as we can slide close enough to the bottom quarter of the wall in this isometric view to actually see them.
The Queue: I should’ve played Diablo tonight
Sometimes you get the dragon and sometimes the dragon gets you. After spending all night working on Mythic Kezzara she proved too strong for us and feasted on our — apparently delicious — cries.
This is one of those times that what initially seems like a tiny change going from Heroic to Mythic wound up being a lot stronger than we anticipated. On Mythic if you cross the streams at all the raid takes big damage. So all of a sudden positioning and communication are way more important. There was a level of personal responsibility there to not just instantly kite your laser beam into the nearest puddle and instead make sure that you were going to the best puddle for yourself, which our raiders just weren’t prepared for.
Next time I’m sure!
While I get a quick dungeon in on Diablo to be killed by a different kind of hellfire, it’s time for — The Queue!