Lightsworn: Healing Warlords of Draenor Challenge Modes
Last week Blizzard told us that Warlords of Draenor Challenge Mode weapon appearances will be account-wide in Legion.
BlizzCaps: Wet hot Azerothian summer
Submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) writes, "I was out flying around Nagrand doing archaeology and finally decided to follow those flags set up by the Steamwheedle Preservation Society.
Spectral Insight: Demon Hunters from Mardum to the Broken Isles
Welcome to our new monthly Demon Hunter column, Spectral Insight.
Webcomic Wrapup: Do we have a laser pointer?
Can’t keep up with all of the great WoW-centric (and WoW-adjacent) webcomics out there?
BlizzCaps: You can’t take the sky from me
Submitter Lib Feathers was taking an innocent selfie when she captured a flying object of the unidentified variety in the background.
Legion Battle Pets: Nursery Spider
The Legion alpha is full of plenty of new quests, zones, class halls and more -- including a wide variety of new Battle Pets to fight, capture, purchase and discover.
The Warrior’s Charge: Arms Warriors in Legion
Arms Warriors are finally playable on the Legion alpha.
Role Play: Humor in roleplay
Everyone wants to be a hero -- or rather, everyone is the hero by default in World of Warcraft.
BlizzCaps: Chopped
Submitter Razelka of the Queue on Nesingwary (US-A) is about to learn the first lesson of dating in Northrend.
A look at the updated Rogue class hall
The Rogue class hall was decidedly underwhelming when we looked at it back in December.