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WoW Leveling Bonanza: Felwood shenanigans

Last week on Blizzard Watch's WoW Leveling Bonanza we headed to Felwood, minus one green-haired gnome but full of the spirit of adventure. What kind of adventure, you ask? Why, the kind that leads us through half a zone's worth of quests, a horde of incredibly irritated imps, and more green ooze than you can shake an ooze-covered custom made furbolg beehive whacking stick at.

Shadow Word: Patch 6.2 and Shadow Priests

Hello and welcome to Shadow Word! If you’re reading this, it means that you've either been patiently awaiting the Shadow column or you’re a newcomer and about to switch to the best class in the game. Either one makes me happy, so let’s not waste any time getting to what really makes World of Warcraft worth logging into: Shadow!

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