WoW Classic
WoW Classic Gallery: Dustwallow Marsh as it was in vanilla WoW
Though the marsh itself isn't so much changed since vanilla WoW, the people and places have.
WoW Classic Gallery: Teldrassil as it was in vanilla WoW
Too soon?
WoW Classic Gallery: Desolace as it was in vanilla WoW
Desolace, otherwise known as the zone you could spend an hour running back and forth across in a fruitless attempt to find Rexxar.
How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind in WoW Classic
In WoW Classic, Night Elves might want to get to Stormwind and the Eastern Kingdoms to quest or meet up with their friends.
WoW Classic continues to fight long queue times with four new realms
In the continuing saga of WoW Classic servers filling up, Blizzard has dropped another four more realms to compensate for the huge influx of launch day players.
WoW Classic Gallery: Hillsbrad Foothills as it was in vanilla WoW
WoW Classic is almost here, but while we wait (or while we wait in the login queue), we're revisiting some of our favorite places.
WoW Classic Gallery: Silverpine Forest as it was in vanilla WoW
It's easy to forget how much the world has changed since WoW's launch.
A WoW Classic Mage retrospective, with special guest Christian Belt
To readers old and new, I wish to introduce you to a friend of the site: Christian Belt.
What songs are on your throwback playlist for WoW Classic?
WoW Classic is bringing back lots of types of nostalgia for lots of different people.
As WoW Classic realms keep filling up, Blizzard struggles to avoid massive queue times
The WoW Classic realms are filling up fast, with almost half of the available realms already at full population allowance.