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The Queue: Everything is glowing and shooting at me

Shattered Space is a real paradigm shift of a DLC, it takes the standard Starfield experience and treats it like that weird cube the Cenobites have in the Hellraiser films. Now, I’m not saying it’s a genre altering masterwork — in a lot of ways, it’s as quirky and weird as Bethesda games always are. It has weird bugs and weird bugs, glowing people trying to kill me, and a whole lot of desperate people who are willing to believe their big snakey god has sent me despite all the evidence that trusting me is an absolute mistake.

It’s the Queue. I keep shooting ghosts and hoping for the best.

The Queue: Let’s teach Brann how to tank

I have to say, I am loving The War Within like I haven’t loved any expansion since Legion.

This expansion has allowed me to play my alts without feeling like I’m “wasting time” instead of working on my main. It made gearing them up much easier, and it made their work towards things like reputations, currency, and transmog benefit me — the player — directly.

This expansion has allowed me to keep playing in a sorta casual manner but still having a clear progression path to push towards.

This expansion has allowed me to benefit from my Tank specs without having to go into dungeons with strangers and rush like mad to the end, pulling everything (which sadly is the norm these days). I can just do Delves with them, and frankly I’m having a lot more fun delving as a tank than as DPS. (Brewmaster is so much fun, you guys.)

I’m bappy.

But you know what would make this expansion even better? If they added a Tank spec for Brann. Classes like Mage and Rogue, and specs like Balance would benefit immensely from it.

While we don’t get Brann to invest in that Tank training like his brothers did, let’s just do The Queue.

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