Search Results For: Artifact
Azerite Armor brings back gear sets
At last week's WoW Media Day, Blizzard Watch heard some big news about Azerite Armor during our interview with Travis Day and Jimmy Lo, Senior Producer and Senior Concept Artist (respectively) for World of Warcraft.
WoW Cultists are channeling again. But it’s probably nothing. But maybe it’s something.
Twice now, we've been teased by the Broken Shore's Xorothian Cultists.
Get Legion free with Battle for Azeroth pre-order
If you (or a friend) are looking forward to Battle for Azeroth but, for one reason or another, haven't played Legion, you're in luck.
What you need to do before the end of Legion
The cat's out of the bag: Battle for Azeroth will be releasing on August 14, a little over four months from now.
Know Your Lore TFH: Azeroth’s countdown to chaos
If you're not familiar with a Tinfoil Hat edition of Know Your Lore, here's the deal.
Battle for Azeroth Media Day interview roundup
Blizzard recently had a WoW Media Day for fansites, and they went all out to make this a press release worth remembering.
🔒 Watching Blizzard: Everything’s coming up expansion
Like expansions?
Everything we learned at the WoW Media Day
Earlier this week, Blizzard was kind enough to invite several media outlets to a special event where they gave us a preview of upcoming Battle for Azeroth content.
PVP Honor levels to become account-wide, open-ended in Battle for Azeroth
One of the questions a lot of players have had regarding the upcoming Battle for Azeroth expansion is how exactly the PVP system would work moving forward.
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth launches on August 14, 2018
It's official: World of Warcraft's next expansion pack, Battle for Azeroth, will launch on August 14, 2018.