Search Results For: Artifact
Battle for Azeroth prequel novel Before the Storm gets June 2018 release date
If you've been waiting for news on when Before the Storm, the prequel novel to Battle for Azeroth, will be released you need wait no longer.
Don’t expect major class changes in Battle for Azeroth
World of Warcraft's expansions have become known for their wide, sweeping changes, and systems overhauls every time a new one comes out.
Allied races and their Heritage Armor – what it is and isn’t
If you're wondering what Heritage Armor is, wonder no more.
BlizzCon 2017: Hands-on with Battle for Azeroth’s Dungeons
Two five-man instances from Battle for Azeroth were available on the show floor.
BlizzCon 2017: Interview with World of Warcraft Senior Game Designer Steve Burke
Blizzard Watch had a chance to sit down with Steve Burke, Senior Game Designer on World of Warcraft at BlizzCon 2017.
BlizzCon 2017: Art of Warcraft panel and Q&A surprises – upright Orcs, new Druid forms and more
Today’s Art of Warcraft panel mainly focused on the amazing new art and design we’re going to see in Battle for Azeroth.
BlizzCon 2017: What is the Heart of Azeroth?
One of the big new systems coming in with Battle for Azeroth is the Heart of Azeroth.
What does the Blizzard Watch staff predict out of BlizzCon 2017?
Maybe you haven't heard, but there's a convention coming up soon.
Webcomic Wrapup: Grunt work
You'd think we'd be over the whole fetch quest thing by now.
Know Your Lore TFH Edition: Helya’s betrayal and the Death God
Last week we talked about Keeper Odyn and the dread being he had summoned from the Shadowlands.