Search Results For: WoW Token
Honor the long-dead heroes of the Alliance and Horde in WoW’s Harvest Festival
This year's Harvest Festival is the same but with a unique wrinkle -- it's running slightly different versions simultaneously both in the Battle for Azeroth version of WoW and WoW Classic.
Gold sellers take advantage of loophole in Blizz tech to update their advertising methods in WoW Classic
We sort of take gold sellers for granted.
Need to quickly gear up a new 120 in WoW? Here’s how to do it.
When you finally hit level 120, looking at the long list of all the things you could do next can be kind of overwhelming.
Are the WoW servers up? Yes!
Update: The servers are back up early, so you can jump in and get playing right now if that's your thing.
No, you aren’t going to burn through content too quickly in Classic WoW
In a recent video, content creator Bellular stated players would burn through Classic World of Warcraft content.
🔒 Are rewards in WoW rewarding enough?
Recently, Blizzard issued a hotfix that changed the cost of Argus missions that reward Blood of Sargeras.
Latest WoW hotfixes increase cost of Blood of Sargeras missions and more
Blizzard released a new round of hotfixes for World of Warcraft last night, including a nerf for Northrend Timewalking as well as a variety of other changes.
Patch 7.3.5 introduces legendary item token
Update: With the patch due out today on North American realms, we thought you might want a refresher of patch highlights.
Wakening Essences for all and more in latest WoW hotfixes
Blizzard released a small set of World of Warcraft hotfixes today, including a change to Wakening Essences.
How do you feel about loot tokens?
There was once a point in time where one of the worst feelings in WoW was not getting any loot you could actually use.