Search Results For: Bastion
Which Overwatch hero should star in the next animated short?
With work still underway on Overwatch 2, it makes sense that more animated shorts aren’t the top priority for the Overwatch team.
How to unlock World Quests in Shadowlands
Since their introduction to the game, World Quests have been a key system for World of Warcraft players to net gear, gold, and reputation.
How to unlock your Soulbind and Conduits
Welcome to level 60!
How to get Soulbind Conduits in Shadowlands
In Shadowlands, Conduits are a bit like gems: we'll slot them in our Soulbind trees to give ourselves buffs and abilities.
If we were to get Shadowlands comics, what would you want them to be about?
Starting with the leadup to Warlords of Draenor, Blizzard has released expansion tie-in comics online to help fill in the gaps of story or lore for the forthcoming title (and in one famous example, showing us the future).
Shadowlands introduces plenty of unique mounts sure to please the pickiest of mount collectors
The launch of Shadowlands grows ever closer, and with it comes all kinds of improvements, like a level squish, new zones, and class changes.
What was your favorite Afterlives short? How did Afterlives compare to other animated shorts for you?
Yesterday, Blizzard released the fourth and final Afterlives short.
Afterlives: Revendreth showcases a realm of darkness and secrets being forced into the light
By now we've all watched the new Afterlives: Revendreth animated short and we've all seen a certain Warchief return (if in slightly diminished circumstances) and we've also all gotten to listen to Sire Denathrius' best PR spin on the Anima drought in the form of an open letter to the Venthyr of Revendreth.
How much do you care about Covenant balance?
I've seen people discussing Covenants in World of Warcraft's upcoming Shadowlands expansion and how they don't feel like they can choose one based on the aesthetics or storytelling -- the fact that the Covenants add real, tangible power to a character means that they will always be subject to balance issues.
Who is Draka? A deep dive into the Orc who will be leading us through Maldraxxus
Draka is a character who seems to have been created in Warcraft for a single, albeit important, purpose.